Wednesday, March 6, 2013

"Play It Real Pretty" - Newspapers and Magazines

            The New York Times ran the story of Dr. King's death on the front page of it's Late City Edition. The Times first printed a description of the vehicle used by Dr. King's assassin, James Earl Ray.
             It also provided a chilling account of Dr. King's last moments, culminating in his last words, to Ben Branch, a musician who was going to play at a service that Dr. King was to attend: "Ben, make sure you play 'Take My Hand, Precious Lord' in the meeting tonight. Play it real pretty."

             Life magazine covered both King's immediate death, as well as his funeral, with a photo feature. In addition to the Louw picture, Life also showed pictures from his life and career, including the "March on Washington". The next issue featured Coretta Scott King, and their daughter, weeping bitterly at his funeral on the cover.

"I've Been To The Mountaintop." Life 12 Apr. 1968: 74. Google Books. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. 

Hunt, George. "Editors Note: I Knew I Must Record It For The World." Life 19 Apr. 1968: 3. Google Books. Web. 25 Feb. 2013.

 Caldwell, Earl. "Martin Luther King Is Slain in Memphis; A White Is Suspected; Johnson Urges Calm." New York Times [New York City ] 5 Apr. 1968, Late City Edition ed., sec. A: 1. Print.


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